Eschatology is the study of the End Times. This article offers the new researcher an introduction to some of the major philosophies on the last days.
Hermeneutics: The Study of Biblical Interpretation
Hermeneutics (ˌhər-mə-ˈnü-tiks) is the science of the interpretation of scripture. This article will help the layman to better understand and interpret the Bible and offer suggestions on where you can go for answers.
Book of Revelation: Introduction
Confused with the Book of Revelation? Hard to understand? In this introduction I answer the What, Who, When, Where and Why.
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, Part 1: Who Are They
Part 1 of the fascinating story of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. Who are they?
The Prophecies of Daniel: Part 1, The Historical Setting
Part 1 of my series on the Prophecies of Daniel.
The Prophecies of Daniel: Part 2, Who was Daniel
Part 2 of my series on the Prophecies of Daniel.
The Prophecies of Daniel: Part 3, Daniel and Alexander the Great.
Part 3 of my series on the Prophecies of Daniel.
The Prophecies of Daniel: Part 4. Chapter 9, 70 Weeks-The Coming of the Messiah.
Part 4 of my series on the Prophecies of Daniel. Daniel's 70-Week prophecy is one of the most important prophecies in either the Old or New Testaments.
The Prophecies of Daniel: Part 5. Chapter 2 Nebuchadnezzar's Image.
Part 5 of my series on the Prophecies of Daniel. The symbolism of Nebuchadnezzar's dream.
The Prophecies of Daniel: Part 6. Chapter 7, Daniel's Four Beasts.
Part 6 of my series on the Prophecies of Daniel. Who were the four beasts and the horns in Daniel's vision?
The Prophecies of Daniel: Part 7. Chapter 8, The Ram, Goat and the Little Horn.
Part 7 of my series on the Prophecies of Daniel. Who are the ram, goat, and little horn in Daniel's vision?
The Prophecies of Daniel: Part 8. Chapters 10-12, The Wars of the Kings of the North and the South.
Part 8 of my series on the Prophecies of Daniel. Who were the kings of the north and the south?
The Prophecies of Daniel Part 9. Daniel's Fourth Beast was not Rome. It was the Seleucid Empire.
Part 9 of my series on the Prophecies of Daniel. Why Rome is not the fourth beast of Daniel.