Dedicated to God and the Student of the Last Days

The Harvest at Earth's End Logo


A little about myself. My name is JK Sellers. I am not a linguist of ancient Greek or Hebrew. I do not a have doctorate of philosophy or religion from a prestigious Christian university nor am I a professional minister of a mega church with dozens of books on the shelves of millions of homes. I am a simple retired carpenter who loves to study the scriptures.

So what gives me the credentials to publish a website on prophecy? Like many of you, I am a long-time student of the scriptures. I have been fascinated with what will occur in the end times since I was in Jr. High, five decades ago. As I studied what the scriptures say on the subject I was surprised and amazed, as I am sure many of you have discovered, the myriad of ways the scriptures, especially prophetic verses, are interpreted. I haven't been educated in the traditions of the day and how this or that scripture "should be interpreted". I have not been taught what is "common knowledge" or what "everyone knows what 'this' means". I came to my study of eschatology (study of the last days) without any preconceived notions on how the Bible ‘should’ be interpreted (hermeneutics). During the many years of study I read from scholars the many and varied ways scholars have interpreted the scriptures that deal with the last days and have come to my own conclusions. I believe this gives me a unique perspective on end times prophesy.

My qualifications are; my drive to seek the truth, an open mind to recognize it even if it challenges my previous notions of the future, and my love for my Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ and His promised return in glory.

My Story

I grew up on a cattle and cotton ranch in Arizona. I still miss being close to the earth and God's cycle of life. I have participated in several mediaeval recreation organizations when I had a younger body and have participated as a leader in the Boy Scouts of America for many years.

I am a proud father of 13 children and 28 grandchildren (and still counting).

I have been a long time member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and believe in and follow its teachings. Disclaimer: The LDS Church has nothing to do with this website or it's content and has not endorsed it. That being said the LDS church does not take an official position on many prophecies (for example 70 Weeks of Daniel) and have left it up to the individual member to research and find the answer for themselves. Thus, you will find differing views among the Church of Jesus Christ if Latter-day Saint leaders and intellectuals as well as the members.

I am a Christian:

It is odd for me to feel the need to declare that I follow Jesus Christ. To me it is obvious. I believe in the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. I testify to the world that Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Promised Messiah. I worship God, Our Father in Heaven, through His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and know that only through the Savior are we be saved. I believe in the miracle virgin birth, that Jesus came down to dwell with mortals to bring His gospel to the earth, organize His church and has shown us through His teachings and actions how we are to live and return back to the Father. I also believe that Jesus accomplished the Great Atonement––the reconciliation of man, the forgiveness of sin, and the resurrection––through His suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane, on the cross and with His rise from the empty tomb.

At baptism I covenanted with God to take upon myself the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember and follow Him. Each week when I take communion (which we call the Sacrament), I renew that covenant every Sunday and am reminded to follow my Savior. I look forward to the Savior's Second Coming and to be there during the thousand years of peace. I dare say that Jesus, at that time, will unite the Church so that we may be of "of one heart and of one soul", so that one Christian will no longer say to the other "I have no need of thee". The Savior will once and for all unit all of the many Christian Traditions and Denominations into one. Then our differences will cease and all will "be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment." I care not what others say. I try to live as Jesus lived. I am a Christian.

JK Sellers