Dedicated to God and the Student of the Last Days

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THEE Newsletter

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Subscribers to The Harvest at Earth's End (THEE) Newsletter will have access to my many years of research as well as my viewpoints on the signs of the last days. Besides my research, I will include a first glance to new articles I publish in the future, updates on my books and questions you, the subscriber, may have for me. From time to time, I will also include contests for subscribers that will include free autographed books, writing contests etc.

Here is a free Volume of the THEE Newsletter.

Each month you will receive:

Articles on Bible Prophesy:

An in-depth article on important Bible prophecies.


"The Prophecies of Daniel: Part 1, The Historical Setting"

"The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, Part 1: Who Are They"

"Hermeneutics: The Study of Biblical Interpretation"

"Eschatology for the Layman"

Update on Books:

I will keep you updated on the books I am writing and my adventure into the publishing world.

Frequently Asked Question:

I will answer important questions on Biblical prophecy and any other related topic. Curious about the seventh seal, who the little horn is, or if Satan really exist? Read the answers to many of these and similar questions from my readers.

Wars and Rumors of Wars…

One of the Signs of the coming of Our Lord is a war (or in my view, two wars, Gog's war and the war of Armageddon) in the Middle East where Israel's enemies come together to try and destroy her. In this space I will keep the subscriber up to date on related current news in the Middle East and the world around us.

Example Articles:

“Hamas plots attacks on Israel”

“Iran has passed low uranium enrichment threshold for a nuke”

“America And Russia Have Enormous Nuclear Arsenals”

"Coronavirus Is Replacing War as the Middle East’s Chief Misery"

The Earth Shall Reel To and Fro...Isaiah 24:20.

Another significant sign of the End Times is the great upheavals preceding the Second Coming. This section will deal with what could possibly be the cause along with news and observations.

Example Articles:

"Scientists Find Evidence for Ninth Planet in Solar System"

"New Studies Support Existence of Massive 9th Planet"

“Earth’s Magnetic Poles Show Signs They’re About to Flip”

"Blast from the Past"

The Third Temple

Prior to Christ's return, the Jews will rebuild their temple in Jerusalem. Here I will share with the subscriber the possible locations of the 1st and 2nd Temples, Archaeological discoveries in and around Jerusalem, and the preparations that are ongoing to build the 3rd Temple, plus any crucial news dealing with the Temple Mount.

Example Articles:

"On The Location of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem"

"The Temple Mount: Where Is the Holy of Holies?"

"Temple Institute encourages Jews to hope for Third Temple in new video"

"New Proposed Location for Solomon's Temple"

"History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new." Eccles. 1:9

'History repeats itself, or at least it rhymes.' This section will deal with historians' discoveries on this fascinating concept; that man has gone through cycles during long periods of our history and how it can be applied to prophecy and our future.

Example Articles:

"Turnings: Introduction" Generational archetypes repeat in a fourfold cycle.

"The Four Turnings" A description of each of the four turnings.

"Timing of Generations and Turnings" The basic length of both generations and turnings.

"Judges Commentary Part One – The Cycle of Sin Defined"

"Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshek and Tubal; prophesy against him..." Ezekiel 38:2

Who is Gog? Where is Magog? In this section I will share with the subscriber who and where Gog comes from and the identity of his future allies. I will also include current events about this future enemy of Israel.

Example Articles:

“Gog of Magog, Part 1”

“Gog of Magog, Part 2”

“Why Is America Still Storing Dozens Of Nuclear Weapons In Turkey?”

"Identifying Gog and Magog"

Come, Follow Me,...Matthew 4:19

How do we prepare for the Coming of the Lord? First, we need to be spiritually prepared to meet him. How? By becoming His disciples and by helping our families and others around us to do so. This space will give insights on how to be a disciple of Christ and to seek the personal revelation that will be necessary to survive the spiritual warfare of the End Times.

Example Articles:

"...What exactly does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?" by Billy Graham.

"What Is a Disciple?" by Pastor Jonathan Parnell.

"Following Jesus Christ" by Thomas A. Tarrants.

"Becoming a Disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ" by Elder Robert D. Hales.

Emergency Preparedness "If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear..."

Being spiritually prepared is the most important aspect of our preparation. However, if we live to witness the Savior's return, we must also be physically prepared. This space will be used to share how to do that. I will include why it is important to be ready for any contingency, where to go for information and how to equip your family to endure what is coming.

Example Articles:

“Civilization is Only Nine Meals Away from Anarchy”

"Emergency preparedness checklist: Prepping for beginners"

"Emergency Preparedness Manual" pdf

"Expert Disaster Preppers Explain How to Ride Out the Coronavirus Pandemic"


With the subscription, you will have free access to all of the past editions of THEE Newsletter.

My hope is that the Newsletter will provide you, the subscriber, with crucial information that will be helpful for the student of the Last Days.

J.K. Sellers

Important Note: Place your name and the email address where you want the Newsletter to go in the box below, then hit Subscribe. In order to keep the Newsletter from going to a spam folder place in your address book.

THEE Newsletter

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